Friday, August 29, 2008

Plane Ride!

So here I sit on the plane somewhere over the Atlantic at about 12:53 our time and about 7:53 France time. I had a little trouble getting through security in Portland only because my carry on bag was packed so well. My first flight was fine, a little delayed which made me nervous, but as soon as I got off the plane I booked it as fast as I possibly could to my next gate. I instantly met 3 other people who were traveling to France on study Abroad programs. Not nessicarily MY study abroad program. But many were also going through CIEE (which is who I am going through). When I got on the plane I sat next to one of the people who I had met inside, and soon found out that the girl on the other side of the aisle was going on to the same city as me, the only difference was that she is a college student. I’m sure she and I will become friends, we have already agreed to stick together for the frist couple of days, at least until we get our feet underneath us. I just hope that my luggage made it to Paris OK. My worst nightmare would be that it wouldn’t make it here and it would be lost. Lets just keep our fingers crossed that it made it in time.

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