Sunday, November 16, 2008


So the main course that I take at school is called Etude de la Langue (Study of the Languge for the non-French speakers). And since my university is like high school, where you go to the same classes with the same people all week, I have this class with the same people. We have this class 3 times a week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Now Monday, the class is usually sleepy from the weekend, and not exactly in the swing of French. Tuesday the class is normal, we are attentive, but still a little timid. However, Wednesday is a totally different story.
We get a little crazy/restless. We seem to have had enough of the same class for the entire week and just want to break out of the shell. We get really excited and rowdy. Our teacher, Mme Paillette, just eats it up. We yell out answers, say silly things, and just have a great time.
By this point in the year, we know that Wednesday is coming. And we all know what happens on Wednesdays, and so when something weird or crazy happens, we all just look at each other and say “C’est mercridi!” (It’s Wednesday!).

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