Sunday, November 16, 2008


My teaching internship has been going very well recently, I was observed by the Director of my program today. At the end of the class that he observed, he seemed very impressed. I hope that he was, I work just as hard on my teaching plans as I do on my homework for my French classes.
All my students are extremely nice and seem to know a lot. I run two English Clubs, and all of those students are very good too, they love to come and hang out and watch movies. I observe and assist in a few other classes as well, so all goes well with the teaching.
I have to take notes on all of the classes that I teach, assist in, or observe in. And since my dad was interested in my notes, I created a blog with them. It is kind of just boring stuff, but if you are interested in taking a look at it, here is the link:

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