Sunday, November 16, 2008


So this past weekend was a four-day weekend here in France. And I had to amazing opportunity to go visit a friend of mine who is studying in Copenhagen, Denmark for the semester. I left Friday night at about 5 and arrived the next day around noon. We visited most of the city within the 3 days that I was there, which was wonderful. But the thing that I enjoyed the most was hanging out with her American, Danish, and Norwegian friends. We had some late nights playing games, hanging out, talking, and just having a great time.
These activites are things that my friends and I do at home with each other, and I haven’t been able to do that here in France. Late nights aren’t really a possibility for me since the bus to my suburb stops around 8:30 each night. So this type of bonding and relationship had been missing from my life, and I felt very lucky to have a taste of it while visiting.
Days before I had arrived, the entire town had set up for Christmas. All the stores windows had their displays all ready. The incredible department stores were decked out on all 4 floors with Christmas joy. And it all made me think of home and everything that I was missing. The tree lighting on the Common in Union, Thanksgiving with the family, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the Nation Dog Show, all of the Christmas hype, the first snow, and the excitement that comes with this time of year. It makes me sad, but I also feel so lucky to be living in France and traveling around the continent.
When I got back from Copenhagen, I was talking with a friend of mine, and she said that the homesickness was hitting the entire group at this point. Everyone was a little sad that they wouldn’t be home for Thanksgiving, and family events around this time of year. Also this is when all of the college students head home for the Holidays.
It is hard, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and I can’t wait to celebrate it.

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