Saturday, October 18, 2008


So, as some of you already know, I have a week vacation starting Saturday the 25th. A friend of mine and I worked for hours to plan a perfect trip. Only to discover, that there might be a chance that we wouldn’t get to do any of it because of limited space for Eurail Pass holders (which is what I am). Devistated, we quickly ran to the ticket both to see what we could salvage of our perfectly planned vacation. And for the most part, we were successful in getting what we wanted. Not exactly but close enough.

So the final itinerary is as follows, Munich→ Salzburg → Vienna → Nice, with a short 2 hour stop in Venice. I have my backpack, my tickets, hostel reservations are on there way, and wonderful people to travel with. And when I get back, I will share all of my wonderful stories from all my wonderful adventures, running around Europe.

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