Sunday, September 21, 2008

My House!

My mother suggested that I put of some pictures of my house so here they are!
1) Patio area, and doors into the kitchen
2) The backyard
3) The wee garage
4) My House!
5) The church next to my house
6) My bus stop
7) The back of the church
8) My street

1 comment:

dave and cecilia said...

Just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and keep you in our prayers. Aaron is doing good with school and soccer. You can think of him as you pass all the soccer fields, mainly the dirt ones as that is what the school field has turned into.
Aaron his Homecoming dance in 2 weeks, was good to hear you still fondly remember yours.
Take lots of pictures as it was nice to see the ones you posted. Looks like a really nice area. Maybe you can find some quiet time by going into the church near your home.
Take care of yourself and have a great time,
Aunt Cecilia